Objectivism: A simple reality

Vision begets perception and perception begets understanding. But, for the same vision the two understandings can differ. It greatly depends on the individual’s ability to transform what he has seen to what he has inferred. The transformation stands on cognizance, which to a degree rests in attitude. When we consider Objectivity, it is not only the logical interpretation of a chemical reaction or a solution to a mathematical problem or for that case, even an analysis of a data sheet but also incorporates understanding of real life situations. Attitudes are by products of experiences. The way one is groomed to confront the situations, his analytical abilities are going to react the same way through out his life. Why do you think, otherwise, in hierarchical society structures earlier the Sons and Daughters of Kings and Queens were construed as the best contenders to the throne? And that is what is required in a societal arrangement. There have always been inventors and followers. No matter which age, which eon, and which civilization, though the standards have escalated but, the inherent structure has remained similar.

Extreme Objectivism is an obsessive stage where self-belief dominates every other human expression. A stage in which, any contravention to your self law appears as a grave crime against you and the Humanity. You may be on the right track and the one contravening may be influenced by some self interest. But, that intervention is required so as to ensure an objective growth of the society and the Nature as well. In case, the interference exceeds the rational boundary, it gets converted to a contest between Rationality and Corruption, Good and Bad, which eventually culminates in an open rebellion where from centuries rationality has won the game.

As far as, objectivism in real life situations is concerned, it does not take into account the emotions or the gut instincts which every human being embody. In such cases, the testimony of the objectivity hangs on the fine thread of emotion and belief that one human being bestows on another. The smoothness with which the hanger can slide on the thread determines the strength or the endurance that the human character holds. One such attempt was ventured by Lord Rama in Ramayana by asking Goddess Sita to prove her sanctity that eventually cost them their separation. But, mind you readers we are referring them as Lord and Goddess.
